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Monday 2 April 2012

Juia, Paella


After exhausting his stay in Southern France Eddie moves over the frontier to the Catalunya region of Spain. The real rugged coastline of the the Costa Brava concludes after the beautiful tiny coastal villages of Reija, Aigua Blava, Sa Tuna, Llafranc and Caella de Parafruguell. these resorts remain undiscovered by the Brits who tended to go further south to the shithole towns of Palamos and Lloret. Thank Gawd for that as these lovely little places have not become tainted wiv fish an' chips, union jack's and Queen Vic pubs. Still, even now, very original, very Spanish.The surroundin' villages from the coast to Gerona have now been slightly overun by the Barcelona glitterati who own weekend village houses, thus keepin' the locals reasonably happy since the price of property reflects this interest: they sell up, more than willing to move to the city exchangin' basic village life foa urban squallor.
In one of these smaaller hamlits cawled 'Juia' lives two of mi best friends Marie Jose and Joachim. I introduced Eddie to them one summer and since then he awlways swings by on his way to the south to visit and enjoy Marie Jose's famous 'Paella'. They live in the old Priest house which they moved to in 1990 having had another large house closer to the centre of the village when they both worked in Barcelona. Recently they have been slowin' daan their work load so that they can spend moa time in 'Juia'. They are tops peeple: I recall once when I had bought a 'banger' in Fraance  which typically blew the head gasket just outside the village. At the drop of a hat they loaded Mi wife  an' I in their big fuck orf Merc van and drove us awl the way back to Tarascon. Anyway I digress; back to the Paella. It's a classic and very Catalan, not the southern puffta Andalucian  variety that usually includes some form of meet.

Marie Jose's Catalan Paella
It is very important to select onli the freshest of fish. Good strong dense white fillets of Dendiche oa Lenguado, large wholesome Langoste, rounded fat Squid. Other ingredients could include clams, mussels and other 'Mariscos'. The choice is yours, and it does depend upon availability that can be sourced at either La Bisbal oa Parafruguell fish market; the best in the region. 
Normally, Marie Jose cooks this dish outside on a make shift 'barbacoa'. When the pan becomes hot she adds 3 large chopped onions, a complete head of garlic to 5 liberal tablespoonz of vegetable oil. When the onions have sweated daan she adds 3 chopped peppas, green, red an' yellow followed by finely sliced choritzo plus dried chilli flakes (quantity depends upon taste but onli a few are required since the sausage contains chilli).
Whilst this has been goin' on Joachim has been producin' the brew that is added later which will cook the rice. In a pan heat 2 pints of fish stock water (preparation of fish stock can be found in mi earlier posts) then add a teaspoon of turmeric and a generous pince of saffron, sawlt an' peppa. Measure and add 2 cups of rice to the onion mix; when thoroughly mixed pour on the fish stock, bring to the boil. It is now very important to get the timing just right: experience is the onli correct answer. As the rice begins to 'turn' take the pan off the heat at the same time addin' the denser fish: as the minuts pass by add the rest of the 'Mariscos' when appropriate. There should still be liquid in the mix. Allow the paella to rest foa 15 minits.
Meanwhile, have annuva few scoops of wine whilst wavin' yoa arms around becawse you ain't got no Spanish an' yoa hosts don't have any queens. Let the food an' the company do the talkin'.

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