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Friday 20 January 2012

Dodgy Don an' Swiss Philippe

I got a nice wittle triangular trade route goin' on wiv these geezas. From Swiss Phil I imports vegetables, choclit an' Ski clobba but 'ee awlso does a tasty line in damaged precision watches which liberates from some bonded warehouse in Geneva. I then unloads them wiv Dodgy Don oo shifts 'em on to daaft footbawlers an' their shag 'appy girlfriend Wags daan at the Bridge.Evribody gains an' evrifins sweet as.

Bread an' butta puddin'
This is a piece of piss to make but nevva the less is impressive foa the 'erberts in the norf in particular. If they open a tin of rice puddin' an' poa on some custard they fink that they is Gawdon fackin' Ramsee.

Usin' either good quality sliced bread oa any of those clevva Italian fruity type breads spread liberally wiv  butta then coat wiv a tangy orange marmalade. Arrange the slices in a 8 inch diameter dish wiv a depff that corresponds to yoa knob: in my case abawt 7.5 inches but onli 5 inches in yoa case: tee hee.
In a sawse pan gentli heat arf a pint of milk wiv a little shugga an' a vanilla pod. At this point it is possible to add some fruit such as currants
Poa the milk into the dish, place in a pre-eatid oven (mark 7) foa 25 minits then 15 minits at 5/6. It's bootiful. You can awlso drizzle creme anglais, ice cream oa even some of that femme frais when it is served at the table.