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Monday 12 September 2011

Garlic Soop

Soop de Pistou.


Imperial (English)                                                Metric (foreign)
One large choppt onion                                          one large chopped onion
2 tablespoonz of virgin olive oil                            2x15ml of virgin olive oil
A pinch of Carmagese sawlt                                  a pinch of salt from the Carmargue
Moroccan black peppa                                           milled Moroccan black pepper
Two diced carrots                                                   2 diced carrots
The leef tops offava swiss chard                            the leaves from a spring cabbage
One young plump ‘ead of garlic                            one fresh bulb of garlic
Foa ounzes of flagelot beens                                  200grms of flagelot beans
Foa ounzes of fava beens                                       200grms of fava beans
Foa ounzes of red an’ white coco beens                200grms of white or red coco beans
Two pintz of wautta                                               1200ml of water
One yella French spud                                            a large Maris Piper potato
One large bunch of Basil from yoa gardin             a home-grown bunch of Basil
One ‘elfi ‘elpin’ of parsley, fresh                           a handful of fresh parsley         
This originates from the saaf of Fraance and was given to me, amongst uvva fings, namely the clap, by Brigitte, a bird I know who lives daan there. One time she invited mi raand for dinner startin’ wiv the soop an’ finishin’ wiv dessert’ on the rug in front of the fire. Them French birds definitely no ‘ow to keep a geeza ‘appy.

This soop is really the frog version of a ‘arty winta broff utilisin’ vege from the gardin an’ a range of locally grown beens. But, just like the frogs do, there’s shit loads of garlic in it as well.   

In a laarge pan, chop one onion an’ sweat in two tablespoonz of best olive oil seasoned wiv a generous pinch of Camargese sawlt an’ Moroccan black peppa. I bet you fort I was goinna say Moroccan black, as in dope, but if you, wants you could crumble a bit in to give it a lift. Chop an’ dice two carrots, the tops of Swiss chard an’ add to the pan when the onion is braan. Select a nice, young, plump ‘ead of garlic peel an’ chop arf offavit. Bung in the garlic, foa ounzes of fava beans, foa ounzes of flagelot an’ foa ounzes of white an’ red coco beans togevver wiv two pintz of spring wautta. Bring to the boil and then simma foa fifteen minits. Dice one of them yella French spuds an’ add to mix. Finally, crush the rest of the garlic wiv sawlt an’arf ovva large bunch of basil to make a pesto which then must be stirred in vigorously. Abawt two minits befoa servin’ dress the soop wiv the remainin’ basil an’ a ‘elfi ‘elpin’ of fresh parsley.
I aint sure if this soop travels becawse I dished it up to my bird once an’ she nearly gipped. So there was no cake foa mi that night.