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Friday, 27 April 2012

Nuits St Georges salad

After toiling around the place for a few days Eddie decided to look up Roxanne at Nuits St Georges. Upon his arrival he explained his connection with Candy who had suggested that Eddie's skills could benefit her establishment: cutting grass, mending fence posts, hanging gates etc...certainly the chateau had been neglected since the sudden and premature death of her husband; a little rough around the edges. It wasn't long before our intrepid DIY 'man' was pulling on a pair of  boots that had been left by his predecessor after which the creaky wheelbarrow was loaded with various rakes, shovels and spades. A temperamental lawn mower sparked into action, after being given the 'kiss of life' and Eddie was fast making inroads into the 'upper' field. As the sun set definite  improvements could be seen; Eddie had put in a decent shift. All that was required was a reward for his labours, which came in the form of a slap up evening meal liberally washed down with excellent a 2005 Pinot Noir.
Roxanne had been effusive with her appreciation of Eddie's efforts. Within a few days the place would be knocked into some kind of shape but would the rewards match the effort? His first night had gone well, the conversation flowed over dinner, Eddie exchanged tales of his travels, his appreciation of the varied French countryside, his strict budget, along with his frugal diet had all been discussed openly and warmly. Substantial progress had been achieved.

Hot vine tomato an' asparagus salad
This recipee I nicked from mi mate Jamie, but he won't mind becawse he nicked it from mi uvva mate Gawden. It is particularly important to onli use the finest quality vegetables so don't use the shite that you buy in crap, cheap supermarkets. In a deep fryin' pan drizzle some virgin olive oil an' bring up the heat gentli. Gather an' trim the vegetables: a decent bunch of asparagus, too cloves of garlic, foa shallots, a good handful of fresh thyme and finally the vine ripened toms. Place awl the ingredienz in the pan together, season an' wilt daan until the toms start to burst releasin' awl their flavva. Usin' a proppa blenda finely cut arf a fresh green cabbage, six leaves of fresh mint one complete chilli, season then drizzle the lot wiv moa olive oil. Both dishes can be served separately oa combined. Finally, shred fresh parmigano ova the hot salad an' consume wiv crusty bread an' a lighter red, Cotes du Rhone villages is the absolute dog's wiv this suppa dish