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Monday 24 October 2011

'Ow to draw Papou and Fabrice

These are much easier to drawa so 'ave a go. The more that you practice the betta you will become.

Morue at Noo Year 

Mi bird Julie an I went to Fabrice an Papou's Bistro at Noo Year foa a celebration dinna. There was awl sorts of folks there from awl ova Europe; there were Belgique, Spanish, Italiens an even some from the eastern bloc: plus a table full of French Trannies. They was dresst proppa in gold lame frocks, silk scarves, fish nets an big blouses to cover the're rubba tities. They ad reel makeup wiv rouge an' bright red lippie: their wigs were foa to die foa, genuine hair tubblin' ova their shoulders like cascadin' fountins. As the night went on an the drink flowed I stuck a lip on one of the moa delicate ladies an we exchanged cards: you nevva know wot the future holds.
Anyway I digress. We had awlsorts of food that night but foa now I shall focus on the most traditional of noo years fare. Just like the norvern 'erberts 'ave lobbies on the stroke of 12 midnight, daan on the Med they 'ave this dish.
Morue is annuvva name foa cod; but it usually refers to the sawlt cod variety: this 'poisson' is quite common awl ova the Midi.

Morue is bought in complete, laarge filits sawltid an dried. Befoa cookin' it is neccessary to rehydrate the fish by soakin' it in milk ova night.This awlso removes awl of the sawlt.
The ingredienz foa the meel is simpul. The fish, potatoes, onion, sawlt, peppa, butta an corianda.

Poach the fish in a light stock, strip off the skin an flake. Boil the spuds an mash wiv a wittle milk. Chop the onion, gentli fry in a laarge pan until goldin; then add the flaked fish, spuds, fresh corianda, an season. Befoa servin' just melt in the butta. It saands like a heavy dish but accompanied wiv steamed chickin' an' Fabrices buggered vege even a sparra can eat it.
Mi norvern bird 'ad too 'elpins that night so her love cushion was the size of a beech bawl. Nevvatheless, we still had loads of fun bouncin' araand on mi king size.

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