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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Pot Chickin

Chickin in a Pot.  


Imperial (English)                                               Metric (French)
One plump, young free range bird                        one young, free range chicken
Two tablespoonz of oil                                         2x15 spoons of olive oil
Foateen shallots                                                    14 shallots
Six cloves of garlic                                                6 cloves of garlic
Free choppt carrots awt the gardin                        3 organic carrots
Two sticks of celri                                                 2 sticks of celery
Ten smoall, noo potatas, scraped                          10 small new potatoes
Foa spring onions                                                  4 spring onions
Two ounzes of butta, unsawlted                            50grms of unsalted
A ‘andful of thyme, fresh                                      a bunch of fresh thyme
Pinchis of sawlt an’ black peppa                           1x5ml salt and pepper
One pint of ‘omemade  chickin stock                    600ml of homemade chicken stock

This is anuvva way of doin’ a chickin but it keeps the old bird moist an’ the meat ‘as sweet as’.
Obviously the best birds are free range, plump an’ young just like my birds, actually. First prepare all yoa vege. Peel abawt foateen shallots, six cloves of garlic, free choppt carrots, two sticks of celri, scrape ten smoall, noo potatas, foa spring onions. Make a paste wiv two ounz of butta, fresh choppt thyme, and the whole peeled garlic cloves. Place arf of it under the skin of the bird’s breast and the remainin’ arf up its arse.

In a laarge sawsepan braan yoa shallots in 2 tablespoonz of olive oil an’growned black peppa. When they is nice an’ braan add the uvva vegetables except the noo potatas an’ spring onions. Then, toss ‘em abawt so they all gets a bit of coatin’ of the oil. Put the chickin on the bed of vege breast daan an’ wiv it’s legs up in the air. Covva wiv 1 pint of ‘omemade chicken stock (you should always ‘ave a good stock of stock in yoa fridge oa yoa freeza that you ‘ave made earlier foa one of mi uvva recipees: if you don’t you are aa right plum). Place the lid on the sawsepan an’ simma foa firty minits.

Take awt the bird and bung in the spuds an’ choppt spring onions an’ cook off. Roast an’ braan the chicken foa fifteen minits in an ‘ot oven at 180 ‘C’. When the spuds are ready rest the bird an’ reduce the sawse to abawt ‘arf, an’ serve.

This is a proppa family meal to be enjoyed wiv yoa kids so don’t spoil it by ‘avin’ yoa tart round. You can always ‘ave ‘er round layta, then you can dip your bread in the sawse.

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