Becawse I 'ave traveled awl ova the world I've able to source Top Draw produce, directly sourced from mi mates oo live in far cornas of the globe. I caan't giv you awl of the names becawse some of 'em need to keep a low profile on account of them bein' sought by local afforitees foa misterminas, peepul smugglin', tax evasion an' graand feft auto.
The worlds best food suppliers
Jimmi Chink, for products chinese…….……………………………
Momo Cackrabaahti, any wet or Mediterranean fish..….............…Bolton
Jose da Souza, Indian spices…………………………………….......Goa
Jonnty the Pig, pork, bacon and ham..………………………………Essex
Cowards, a variety of prime sausages………………………………Clitheroe
The Doc, beer and wine, The Royal Oak ……………………………Wigan
Chadwicks, fuck awl…………………………………………………...Staandish
Phillippe Goldstein, Swiss chard, choclit and Rolexes………………Geneva
Harry the Rat, cigs, booze and Viagra……………….………………Mobile
Louis Fernaud, proppa bread………………………….……………..Befnal Green
Fabrice an' Papou Demery, Provencal Produce..................................Le Paradou
Za Za Lulaa, fuck awl...........................................................................Bouches de Rhone
Piri Pi'l, french pizza ingedienz.............................................................St. Gengoux
Piri Pi'l, french pizza ingedienz.............................................................St. Gengoux
Jackie Trotta, jellied eels.....................................................................Eel Pie Island
Corrado Fiorentini, paasta, foa orders especes ova 2 milles.............Les Baudets
Dr. Sebastien Begard, Rabbits laarge................................................St. Helene, Cotes D'Or.
Bernard et Natalie Vanerchet, Big fat Pigeons..................................Genouilly, Chalon.
Marcel Vanerchet, anyfink grown in the gardin.................................St. Martin du Tartre
Olivier Daudey-Malfondet, Charolais beef........................................Charolles, Macon
Ricky Gondinga, jerky, jabbies, roo an' walaby.................................New South Wales
Shirley Calongooly, bush tucker, personal massage..........................Darwin
Porky Mc Donald, anyfink pig.............................................................Perff, W. Australia
Billy Bob Pigfucker, anyfink free ee can get 'is 'ands on...................Tarascon
Ricky Gondinga, jerky, jabbies, roo an' walaby.................................New South Wales
Shirley Calongooly, bush tucker, personal massage..........................Darwin
Porky Mc Donald, anyfink pig.............................................................Perff, W. Australia
Billy Bob Pigfucker, anyfink free ee can get 'is 'ands on...................Tarascon
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