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Wednesday 14 September 2011

The many faces of Nick

Nick is a very complex character. With it's ups an' downs, highs an' lows, peaks and troughs he always tries to look on the bright side but sometimes the world deals him a shit butty.
He is a tough cookie but the ravages of time have taken their toll: lets just say although his face does resemble a road map he still has a certain craggy charisma that attracts the world's most beautiful women. But the phrase, flies around a turd does spring to mind.

Garlic Lamb

Use onli the best Charollais lamb, oa Inglish /Welsh Spring oa Saltmarsh, blade end arf shoulder. 
Slice too laarge cloves of garlic. Wiv a sharp kinfe make incisions in the lamb an' insert the garlic slices. Sit the joint on a bed of gardin vege plus a few sprigs of wild thyme finally addin' free tablespoonz of wautta. Cover the dish wiv foil an roast foa forty five minits at 190 degrees. Remove the foil to braan foa a further fifteen minits. Let the joint rest. This makes a fabulous Sanday dinna so make it special wiv awl the usual accompaniments: refer to preparation of vege from my earlier recipees.
A slightly 'eavier fruiy red wine could be offered to a disernin' pallette such as a 2009 Rully oa Givry but don't waste yoa time on norverners oo fink that 'Bulls Blood' has sophistication.  

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