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Tuesday 16 August 2011

South American Bouillabaisse

El Biche (Ecuadorian Bouillabaisse)
Evri country froo out the world makes a bouillabaisse except those that don’t ‘ave access to fresh fish like those eastern bloc shit’oles, but this one is quite different in that it is a delicate soop finished wiv choppt peenuts an’ fortified wiv banana dumplins an’ noo potatas.


Imperial                                                         Metric
One paand of fresh flatfish fillits                    500grms of fresh flatfish fillets
Too pintz of ‘omemade fish stock                  1 ltr of fish stock, see recipe
Foa tablespoonz of oil                                     60ml of olive oil
Too to free onions cut finely                           2/3 onions finely cut
One teespoon of cumin seeds                          5grms of cumin seeds
One teespoon of crushed ‘ot chillis                 5grms of dried, crushed hot chilli
One paand of noo potatas                                500grms of new potatoes

Banana Dumplins
Too green bananas oa plantains, gratid            2 green bananas or plantains, grated
Free tablespoonz of toasted crushed peenuts   45grms of toasted crushed peanuts    
Too to free tablespoonz of fish stock               45ml of fish stock
One tablespoon of choppt corianda                  15grms of chopped coriander

To serve and finish
Free to foa green peppas ruffly choppt             3/4 green peppers roughly chopped
Foa ounzes of pees                                           100grms of fresh peas
Foa tablespoonz toasted crushed peenuts         60grms of crushed toasted peanuts
One lemon, gratid zest an’ juice                       1 lemon with grated zest and the juice
Too tablespoonz of choppt corianda                 30gms of chopped coriander

Wivout recommendin’ any sort of fish its awlways best to access local flat fish, but the densa  moa robust fillits such as sole, turbot etc.. tend to be betta foa this dish. Sawlt the fillits an’ set ‘em to one side. Strain the fish stock, if freshly prepared. In a laarge strong fryin’ pan braan an gentli soften the onions in the olive oil. Sprinkul wiv  cumin seeds an’ chilli. Add the stock an’ cubes of potatas, simma foa twenty minits.

Blend the gratid banana wiv the peenuts, corianda an’ enuff fish stock to make a dozen wittle dumplin’ bawls. Slip the bawls into the simmerin’ broth addin’ the pees an’ peppas firty seconds later.

When awl is tenda add the peenuts an’ stir. Carefully drop in the fish fillits an’ allow them to become firm an’ opaque, foa free to foa minits. Taste an’ season, finish wiv the lemon juice an’zest, an’ sprinkul wiv fresh corianda.

It does seem odd ‘avin’ froot wiv fish but believe me it’s superb. This could awlso be a main course but I know when I serve it in the norf it’s a starta, becawse they are awl fat buggas up there an’ ‘ave got massive appetites. 

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