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Monday 29 August 2011

Moroccan stew

D’agneau avec abricots (Morocco), lamb with apricots

This meel is due to my direct contact wiv mi mate Mohammed who lives in Rabat on the western side of Morocco. The influences originate from the east brought ova by early slave traders an’ bandits. There is common feem that runs froo a lot of the food in that dishis awlways contain spices an’ froot, often rehyradit becawse of the severe temperatures which cawse a problem of hygiene. Ova the years ‘Mo’ has become a very close friend, he is generous wiv gifts of silks, beaten copper, tapis, jewelry an’ Moroccan black. He’s a great shag aswell. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

Imperial                                                         Metric
One an’ a arf boned leg of lamb, cubed          750grms boned leg of lamb, cubed
Arf a teespoon graand ginja                            2.5grms of ground ginger
Free ounzes of clarified butta                          75grms of clarified butter  
too teespoonz of graand corianda                    10ml of ground coriander
one an’ a arf teespoonz of garam masala         7.5grms of garam masala
too teespoonz of chilli powda                          10ml of chilli powder
one ounz of graand almonds                            25grms of ground alomonds
arf a pint of stock oa chickin stock                  300ml of lamb or chicken stock
six plump fresh apricot                                    6 fresh apricots
one ounz of pistachio nuts                               25grms of pistachio nuts
foa tablespoonz of double creem                     60ml of double cream

Place the lamb, ginja, clarified butta, corianda, garam masala, sawlt an’ chilli powda in a laarge bowl. Cook covered foa ten minits then, stir in the graand almonds an’ ‘ot stock to cook foa a furvva ten minits. Simma foa firty minits on very low ‘eat.

Slice the fresh apricots, putting at one side. Add the pistachio nuts to the mix: if usin’ rehydratid apricots add to the mix at the same time but if they are fresh only add five minits befoa servin’. Simma foa fifteen minits until the meet is tenda.

Remove the lamb, nuts an’ apricots placin’ them on a warm dish. Stir in the creem to the sawse an’ poa ova the meet. Serve accompanied wiv saffron rice an’ KY jelly.

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